
Smoking Gun Time: Donald Trump Jr. Posts Emails on His Russia Meeting

Charles Johnson7/11/2017 12:57:13 pm PDT

re: #224 Mattand

I’m reading this post and the relevant Talking Points Memo post over and over again.

No one can possibly be this stupid. I also cannot believe any competent lawyer would tell his client to release the evidence proving his guilt to the public.

I just keep coming back to the “No one is this stupid” part, though.

I’m certain Don Jr. did this on advice from his lawyer. They knew the New York Times was about to publish the emails, and this is a Hail Mary pass to try to make it seem as if he had nothing to hide.

Basically, it’s intended to appeal to the same people who voted Trump into office, people like Jim Hoft.

You know… morons.