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austin_blue7/21/2009 5:02:16 pm PDT

re: #208 LGoPs

True leaders IMO are ordinary people that rise to the circumstances and challenges that confront them. And I don’t think you can plan for greatness or contrive it. I have an aversion to those that are overly ambitious and seek out greatness. People like that should be shunned and avoided and certainly not put in power.
I felt that way about Hillary and definitiely feel that way about Obama. Anybody that wants power that badly sholdl be kept as far away from it as possible.

Evening, Lizards!


I have heard this mythos again and again, and I must respectfully disagree. Benjamin Franklin, Tom Jefferson, James Monroe, John Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, &c., &c. & ad infinitum. These were not ordinary men. They were extraordinarily intelligent men, with vision, drive, and a desire to make their world a better place. Greatness was thrust upon them not because they got lucky but because they worked their asses off for the greater good as they perceived it.