
Overnight Open Thread

wintercat9/18/2009 5:13:09 am PDT

re: #252 SixDegrees

Was it? How many ACORN offices did they visit? And why are there obvious chunks of footage missing from the tapes?

It shouldn’t be necessary to say it, but I’m not defending ACORN here; they’ve been a boil to my existence for 25 years now, and I’d be happy to see them shut down. But it ought to be obvious that barraging them with “evidence” that may very well turn out to have been concocted will only strengthen their position in the long run, and that doing so is, quite simply, wrong, just as it’s wrong when Michael Moore extensively edits interviews to make it appear that the person speaking is saying the opposite of what was actually said.

Just because something confirms what you want to hear doesn’t automatically elevate it to the level of truth. If something similar had occurred at RNC campaign offices across the country, we’d be questioning the videos frame by frame, delving into the background of those who made them, digging up associations past and present…and otherwise looking for the truth.

If it turns out that these videos were manipulated in any way, it’ll be like tossing gasoline on the fire of racism already burning through the Right. ACORN, although assholes, will be more than vindicated, and the GOP will take a black eye thanks to a rush to judgment and a suspension of critical thinking.

By the way: I guarantee you that I could produce videos at a half-dozen local McDonald’s - without traveling across the nation - showing employees doing unspeakable things to the food. Do you really think that makes Jim Skinner not only personally responsible, but guilty of colluding with and directing those employees to do such things without any further evidence to shore up such a claim?

If it turns out that the tapes are faked then Fox, BigGovernment, and these kids plus the entire GOP will go down in flames and America will be controlled by the left for the next 50 years. My guess is that that isn’t going to happen but my crystal ball is broken so it’s just a guess.

But then again, the right is not known for their well thought through strategies. The shock and awe campaign is a good example of that. Bush rode high on that sideshow until it became clear that there wasn’t much of a plan beyond that point.

I guess we will have to wait and see.