
Luca Stricagnoli and His Incredible Reverse Slide Neck: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"

Citizen K9/22/2020 9:44:58 am PDT

re: #264 Belafon

I suspect it did in the sense that they can do anything they want as long as they are willing to ignore every norm set up to properly run a democracy.

Yeah, but instead those that bring up being affected by Kav’s hearings are all appalled and aghast at how his life was nearly ruined by…being voted into the most secure lifetime appointment in the country by a fair vote after a contentious hearing.

And they’re continually taken seriously while Dem grievances are dismissed, minimized, and denigrated because we may as well not be citizens or Americans to most people. Only Republicans are legitimate, only they can have their grievances taken as legitimate, only they are allowed to legitimately wield and control power because only they are ‘America’, and every single other one of us can just die in a ditch because fuck us, apparently.

This country seems forever hardwired to give Republicans everything and anything they want and the rest of us must eat shit and be punished if we complain about it because this was never our country, we were never really Americans and we may as well just fucking die by their hands once they get bored with torturing us with this fact.