
How It's Done

Barflytom11/08/2012 12:34:37 am PST

re: #269 Kragar

You’re absolutely right, we really need to raise taxes on those who abused the system for so long. Lets hope the GOP finally stops sucking their dicks long enough to vote for it.

Indeed. I’d much prefer a national sales tax, or a VAT, to an income tax, so that the handout brigade can pay their fair share for a change.
Not going to happen of course, but in the event that it did, I’d accept a modest wealth tax as part of the bargain, so that phoneys like Warren Buffet - who pays “a lower rate than his secretary” because he never sells anything to realise capital gains* - could cough up a bit more.
The situation now is that roughly half the population is subsidised by the other half. That’s the only reason a dud like Obama got elected.

*And because most of the tax on dividend income is paid by the corporation rather than the shareholder.