
Seth Meyers From His Garage: Trump Fights With Governors, Reporters Over Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS3/27/2020 8:52:00 am PDT

re: #267 calochortus

I have heard speculation that since she comes from an international public health background in HIV she has always needed to be extremely diplomatic to get anywhere and this is an amplification of that. She is soothing Trump publicly and working hard when off camera.
I don’t know if it’s true, or the best possible way to go about things, but I note that Gov. Newsom has been remarkably nice about Trump and the Feds in his news conferences and is not the subject of Trump’s ire as California goes about the business of trying to deal with the epidemic.

My new motto in dealing with the competent people surrounding DT is, “Actions speak louder than words.”