
Why I Left the Right, Exhibit P for Pawlenty

avanti12/21/2009 3:41:33 pm PST

re: #265 Charles

I changed your link to a Google cache link, because I don’t want to send traffic there.

It’s just sickening to see how this craziness has taken over so many right wing blogs, to the point where they’re openly wishing for people to die. You don’t have to be a fan of Robert Byrd (I’m not) to think that’s way WAY over the line of decency.

This comment was really over the top.:

“At 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon — nine hours before the 1 a.m. vote that would effectively clinch the legislation’s passage — Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) went to the Senate floor to propose a prayer. “What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can’t make the vote tonight,” he said. “That’s what they ought to pray.”