
Fox News Commenters Respond to Somalia Story with Deluge of Racism

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/14/2011 6:38:04 pm PDT

re: #271 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

There’s more to American “racism” than the north/south dualism.

Well, the North and South thing isn’t a dualism— especially not a Manichean one. That’s what I meant by ‘crude’— as in, even though it’s a mass over-generalization, one can very crudely say that racism in the South was more (but just more) violent than in the north, with the number of lynchings and other murders much higher, and in the North was less violent, and more ostracism, ghettoization, et al.

So, the approach to combating racism when what you’re dealing with is, say, a silent conspiracy not to rent houses in an area to blacks and Jews, and when what you’re dealing with is guys driving up to the house of a black man who looked at a white woman and shooting him, is going to be different.

So yes, go ahead once again, and tell me how to properly understand and interpret today’s shytty race relations. Pretend I’m someone who looks just like you.

No thanks. I’ll just explain my own interpretation. I’m under no delusion I’m the Master of Race who can interpret this cloudy water perfectly.

I really have no idea what you’re on about at this point. You really seem like you’re having an argument with an entirely different person, someone who thinks that the North was pure and good in race relations and the South was evil and terrible (which is what it would be if it were a Manichean division).

Well, according to those people’s own f’ed up stereotypes, anyway.

Yes, and according to stuff like traditional Jewish dress, which really isn’t often worn by non-Jews.

Southie was no picnic in the park in the 70s, especially for Black students. This is a fact, nice or not.

Um, yes. I know. It’s still not a picnic. That was kind of my point.