
Oscar Night Open

Birth Control Works2/27/2011 10:14:34 pm PST

re: #276 lostlakehiker

There are other sources of friction. The Indonesian treatment of ethnic Chinese has included some fairly serious pogroms. As China becomes more powerful, she will be less likely to look away. In Malaysia, Prime Minister Mahathir proclaimed discriminatory laws to hold down that nation’s Chinese. And now, there are Chinese workers all around the world, including, unless they just now made good their escape, Libya.

China isn’t going to convert to Islam, ever. She might insist on better treatment of ethnic Chinese in her neighborhood. But she isn’t going to go looking for trouble either. She’s not a threat to Turkey, or Pakistan, or Indonesia. Or to Islam.

Not yet, perhaps.

China’s “one child unless you can pay the xtra child tax” isn’t stopping or lessing their overpopulation issues. More people need more land. They have millions of men without wives. China does not care about her people.

China is a serious concern, something to be watched carefully.