
Muslim Brotherhood Calls for 'Maximum Jihad'

Guanxi881/03/2009 4:02:33 pm PST

re: #254 NelsFree

You can get startup Sharia financing in Qatar.

OT but not really.

Running a business, I occasionally (not often enough, let’s be honest) get the chance to set up small little deals between foreigner suppliers and domestic buyers.

So, I find this one guy, and his quality’s great, and the workmanship is wonderful, and everything’s going along smooth as can be, and I’m all set up to start sourcing through him for one of my stateside contacts, and, in reading through the deal, this SOB writes, as clear as day, that he will not do business with, or transmit or accepts goods to, from or through, “Occupied Palestine.”

Needless to say, a deal-killer right there, but for pete’s sake, can’t these folks just make a buck without dragging religion and politics into it (Guy’s in malaysia, for the record)?