
Call for feline overlord purrsistence and purrayers

Backwoods Sleuth6/07/2014 5:23:56 pm PDT

re: #25 ObserverArt

Good luck with Doorjam and his recuperation in the Sleuth Homestead and Cat Nursery.

By the way…love his markings. From the black spotted head and to the one spot on his middle back and black tail is really unique. Good looking cat, pet him up good for all of us.

He is so thin right now, a shadow of his former front porch protector girth.
We shall address that issue with every bit of gushy foodstuffs available when he returns home.
And it will indeed be officially Home.

I’m just thankful that MrBWS is now a well-paid IBEW union thug, unlike the time when Glory had her unhappy loss of leg or life decision that weighed upon us for all of less than 60 seconds even though we had no idea of how we would pay for her repairs on my pitiful part-time minimum wage.
We ate a lot of beans for a month or so.