
Why Claims About Alien Involvement in Human History Are Ridiculous

CriticalDragon11773/10/2016 11:54:45 am PST

re: #24 mroop

No scientists do indeed study UFOs but when they do they tend to come to the conclusion that they are not alien spacecraft. If they were, why aren’t they finding evidence that is so compelling that the scientific community is convinced, and why isn’t it all over the news? Scientists who studied extra solar planets were once seen as engaging in a pointless exercise, but once the evidence of extra solar planets was confirmed it made headlines, and scientists who searched for them, were then taken seriously. Why wouldn’t the same happen with UFOs if “the truth was out there?” Saying that there is a government cover up isn’t going to cut it, because now you still have to prove that UFOs are alien spacecraft and now you also have to prove the conspiracy to cover up alien visitation.