
Our Embarrassing President: Trump Escalates Trade War, Threatens European Carmakers

The Ghost of a Flea3/03/2018 1:37:02 pm PST

re: #25 Charles Johnson

I seriously wonder if these spontaneous announcements and threats are done to make the markets bounce. Like with Carl Icahn’s happy sell-off “accident” before this tariff.

I mean, that would be a truly Trump move, in keeping with his previous business practices: fuck everybody to benefit a small number of inside players, mostly family and “friends.”

eta: Consider—because of the instant-reaction nature of both media and the stock market, policies don’t even have to stick. You can just toss out something stupid that panics sellers, cause a dip, then things recover.

There’s actually multiple exploits to the combo of fast trading and having the most powerful mouthpiece in the world.