
How the Privatization of NASA's The Learning Channel devolved into a for-profit channel pushing Honey Boo Boo

Destro10/08/2012 7:34:19 pm PDT

re: #26 Sheeplord

Thank you to Lighting for getting it: The comment “Reaganism” stems from the tide of privatization and de-regulation that started during the 80 and continued into the 90s. Reagan won the vote on Nov 4, 1980 sparking a wave of these kinds of de-regulation acts once lobbyists knew that it would not be vetoed and/or executive branch appointments would be sympathetic.

Corporatism in our elected officials, whether D or R, results in the attachment of giant corporate hoses to taxpayer’s wallets. It’s true whether you talk about education or prisons for profit… when all you care about is profit, the societal costs are no-longer part of the equation and hence you get things like this.

Marketing to kids is a profiteer’s wet dream because kids don’t have the filter that adults do, and, when they are exposed to messages that subvert reason (like “just do it!” and “I buy it because!”) it affects their ability to reason and have self control as young adults and above. If you watch the movie “Consuming Kids” you will see what I mean.

Secondly, I don’t feel I need a Chicago style of annotation. A link is good enough if the source is Wiki.