
Overnight Open Thread

3 wood2/25/2009 4:17:23 am PST

Good morning.

Look for the market to open down slightly, for 2 reasons.

First, there will be the obligatory profit taking and short selling off of yesterdays rise.

Second, last night’s speech by the Messiah was not exactly President Reagan saying that our best day’s are still ahead of us, and he again was absent any details on the bank plan.

The bank stress test being done by Geithner is a joke. It is ni news to anyone that the banks are stressed. I think my black labrador knows that the banks are stressed. And the single biggest reason why they are stressed is this ridiculous “mark to market” standard that the SEC and the Treasury keep sticking to.

Giethner reminds me of the manager who does not know how to fix real problems in the office, so he looks busy doing all kinds of special projects instead.