
White Supremacists Plan to Recruit at July 4th Tea Parties

flyers19745/26/2009 7:15:01 pm PDT

re: #255 Iron Fist

Of course not, but the Democrats have turned it into an art form. They’ve been using it all of my life. Most likely they were using it before I was born. I don’t expect them to quit using it as things go forward. It has worked for them.

When the Republicans took power in 1994, it was as much revulsion at Bill Clinton’s hard-Left Presidency as it was the GOPs contract with America, but it wasn’t the GOP dividing us. Clinton pushed through unpopular (except with Leftists) gun control, and crashed and burned on his attempt at socialized medicine. The GOP actually offered a way forward, and they won on it. Clinton tracked back to the center, and managed to win a plurality of the vote in a three-way contest.

The Democrats waited for the next Presidential election and then used some of the most vile, racially divisive commercials against Bush that have ever been used in American politics. They specifically tied him to the lynching of James Byrd, as though he had responsibility for the act. Vile is the only word for it. Fortunately, they lost.

After 9-11, they gave lip service to national unity, but that was only because they had no real choice. The voters would have turned them out en masse if they hadn’t. That only lasted until the invasion of Iraq (and was never really serious. They were simply biding their time). Since then, they’ve had the division of America first and foremost in their minds. They’ve worked incessantly to divide public opinion on the war and on Islamic Fascism that in only a few short years, they’ve sufficiently snowed enough of the populace that they were able to elect Obama on an empty platform of hope (in what?) and change (to what?) and vauge promises that are now going to come due. They used the anti-American Left as their stalking horse, and now the price for that is coming due.

Did people such as Karl Rove, Lee Atwater and James Baker play fair, politically speaking? Were they “fairer” than their Democratic counterparts? I see your example James Byrd. What are your thoughts on Willie Horton?