
Video: Richard Feynman - Ode to a Flower

Dark_Falcon12/24/2012 9:13:07 am PST

re: #268 dragonath

I think WofO’s basic point still stands, given Fox’s cheerleading of the War on Christmas controversy. A news network that runs websites like Fox Nation deserves no charity.

The “War on Christmas” stuff is indeed crappy and a sham, but what satt was saying was that Fox wasn’t ignoring the Rochester story to focus on that. Rochester isn’t ‘big’ enough to take over the morning newscasts, though it is the main story. So the news nets will switch from it a number of other stories. Satt was pointing out the patterns of the news channels and that FNC wasn’t significantly off the baseline on this one. That’s not a matter of charity, that’s simply looking at what Fox News is covering. If they are giving roughly the same amount of time to the story and not pursuing crazy angles, then they aren’t doing anything gregariously wrong. Yet.