
Why I Left the Right, Exhibit P for Pawlenty

jdog2912/21/2009 3:47:14 pm PST

I think Tim Pawlenty should be applauded for expressing his views. I really don’t care what anyone’s personal views are UNLESS they try to DECEIVE those who are considering voting for or against them based on those views.

What would be truly disturbing is if Pawlenty had said “all the right things” to conceal how he feels about any number of issues. I’m glad he’s laid it out there.

If someone wants to believe in the virgin birth, great.

If someone wants to believe in God, great.

If someone wants to believe God promised the land to whomever, great.

…just don’t tell me you believe in the virgin birth, God, et, all and then AFTER you’re elected, possibly with my vote helping, DECLARE your views to have changed NOW due to some better understanding THEY SUPPOSEDLY DIDN’T POSSESS 6 WEEKS AGO.