
Overnight Open Thread

Guanxi882/18/2010 7:33:37 am PST

re: #277 gymmom

Well, my family is from WV for 5 generations on both sides. I am probably related to everyone in the state. But if I have a relative in Elkview, they are distant. One of my grandfathers had 12 brothers and sisters, so the number of cousins there is quite numerous!

3 generations down one side, 4 down the other, for me. Elkview branch are from my mother’s second marriage - weird buncha folk.

Settled in and around McDowell County - came to America to work the mines, then sorta moved around the tri-state area for two generations. Then, my generation, we scattered to the four winds.

“Get the Hell outta WV,” my family all told me. “There’s nothing here for a young man.”