
Yet Another Investigation Vindicates 'Hockey Stick' Climate Scientist Michael Mann

Achilles Tang8/22/2011 6:21:37 pm PDT

re: #272 sod

So if Mann emails so and so and asks him for his raw tree ring data and gets a zip file in return, does he have a way of telling if that was the original data set or some later data set that had been transformed by some algorithm. Does the guy that set it to him know? How easy would it be to make a mistake and accidentally send the wrong data set?

You either agree, disagree, or don’t know whether the data was handled as well as it could have been given. Whether or not the outcome is any different is irrelevant to my point.

You don’t know how science works, if you think that only one person can corrupt the relevant historical data on the planet, and nobody will notice.