
A Gorilla Is Born at Lincoln Park Zoo

TedStriker10/21/2012 9:46:35 am PDT

re: #277 Obdicut

There’s some club that had a special light that would go on if Williams came in to let the performers know he was there, so not to use new material ‘cuz he’d steal it.

It’s really hard to get legal about this kind of stuff, too. A friend of mine was a writer for a TV show, and another writer on another show blatantly stole his jokes. It was really, really plagiarism, but he found it nearly impossible to prove in court and so settled with just shit-talking the guy at parties.

It’s the whole “good artists create, great artists steal” thing that’s been going on in just about every creative field since the dawn of man, IMO, though some are more blatant about it and still suck (I’m looking at you, “Carlos” Mencia).