
Arizona GOP Censures John McCain for 'Liberal' Record

Justanotherhuman1/26/2014 9:51:20 am PST

re: #275 Ryan King

Confessions of a former Libertarian: My personal, psychological and intellectual epiphany

Interesting read. I thought I was libertarian at one time be later realized I was just being intellectually lazy while trying to look cool.

You know, it’s “hip” to be Buddhist and vegetarian, yet these types will hide all their bigotry and feelings of superiority behind “libertarianism” which is an easy thing to do. After all, don’t libertarians want “civil rights” and “human rights”, too? They forget that the #1 tenet of libertarianism, consistent self-interest, or selfishness, comes before what anyone else might need, and it’s what feeds upon itself. If libertarianism is about anything at all, it’s about that, and never what anyone else might need or what’s good for society as a whole.