
New From Keith Olbermann: Do Authorities Now Have What They Need on Trump?

Jay C4/05/2017 10:17:35 am PDT

IIJM, or does anyone else think that in lining up to try to use Susan Rice”s head for a soccer ball, the Trump gang is (again) going to boot it squarely into their own goal?

Accusing someone, even obliquely, of “committing a crime” seems to me to lead inevitably to a “put or shut up” moment. Especially when the accuser is the POTUS (the incompetence/idiocy of the incumbent notwithstanding). To me, the “put up” part is only going to publicize and/or expose to scrutiny exactly those aspects of the Trump campaign/Administration they would probably prefer to keep hidden: i.e. precisely how much Russian influence/Russian money/Russian crime the Admin is actually connected with. But then again, look who we’re dealing with….