
Rage Furby Chuck C. Johnson Gets Suspended From Facebook for the Second Time This Year

Dr. Matt5/13/2016 8:47:30 am PDT

Trump Butler Says Detroit Should Be Nuked for Being “Disgraced by Muslims”

In a segment that aired on All in With Chris Hayes, Senecal repeated his belief that President Obama should be hanged “from the white mosque,” this time adding that it should be televised and Hillary Clinton should be hanged as well.

Even more disturbingly, Senecal called for the cities of Milwaukee and Detroit to be designated “nuclear bomb sites” because they have become “totally disgraced by Muslims.”

“We need to bomb them out,” said Senecal. “I could care less they’re in the U.S. I don’t want them in the U.S. They don’t belong here. They belong in the sand dunes they came from.”

Sadly, he doesn’t really sound that much different from Trump.