
Arizona GOP Censures John McCain for 'Liberal' Record

A Mom Anon1/26/2014 10:02:26 am PST

re: #268 Dark_Falcon

The purpose is also to drive the entire political landscape even farther right. We are not really a center right nation, but our political landscape and media are. I’m talking overall here, if the right questions are asked of people without partisan bias, most of us want the same package of things out of our government and the society it’s supposed to help us run. Those things are more center and center left, especially now since the right has lost it’s blessed mind, or at least the parts running the show have. We all want decent public education, well maintained and built infrastructure, needed amounts of law enforcement with proper training, low unemployment, community resources like parks and libraries and so on. Right wing tea party or libertarians think those things are horrible liberal traps now. Those voices get the most attention and are very good at intimidating the more moderate conservatives into either silence or shifting hard right. That’s a problem.

Republicans, in their current form at least, know how to play politics. They haven’t the slightest notion of how to govern and they seem to not care a bit about doing so.