
Joe the Plumber to Families of Isla Vista Victims: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump' the 2nd Amendment

A Mom Anon5/27/2014 9:36:49 pm PDT

You know, after spending a big part of the day helping a broken hearted young adult deal with YET ANOTHER bunch of bullshit about Asperger’s being a cause of violent rage resulting in deaths, Joe the Fucking Ass Stetson can kiss my lily white ass. And then go fuck himself with a rusty farm implement, just for fun.

What about the rights of the rest of us not to have to deal with obnoxious assholes who just have to carry a gun around so they can pretend they have super manly prowess? Huh? What about my right to sit in my fucking backyard enjoying a beer and a sunset without hearing neighbors with more guns than Redneck Jesus target practicing 100 yards from my house? Oh I see, I’m not American enough, is that fucking it? Never mind all the people in my family who served their country and never asked for shit in return, or the fact that I am a law abiding citizen who loves her country? Who is in a stable loving marriage, raised good kids, pays taxes and does her best to be a good neighbor, mom, daughter, wife and friend? Oh I guess that doesn’t count either unless I have a cannon and a fucking grenade launcher I carry to the fucking grocery store while wearing an American flag tube top and singing a fucking Ted Nugent song. Is that it? REALLY? Because if that’s the criteria for being a patriot, it’s set the bar too fucking low. Fuck you you fake fucking plumber wannabe. At least a REAL plumber is an actual honorable profession.

OMG, I just can’t. Don’t. Oh Hell NO.