
WaPo: "When He Said He Had Access to Every CIA Station Around the World, He's Lying"

Dr. Matt6/11/2013 7:47:59 am PDT

Apparently Laura Ingraham (the shorter mAnn Coulter) is now a spokeswoman for pedophiles and child rapists:

Ingraham: Emergency contraception is ‘a good deal for pedophiles’ and child rapists
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Tuesday said that the Obama administration “empowers men who want to abuse women” by complying with a court order to allow over-the-counter emergency contraception sales to women and girls of any age.

“It’s a good deal for pedophiles, a good deal for people who commit statutory rape against young girls,” Ingraham told Fox News. “If mothers and fathers across this country hear this and they think, ‘Well, I guess my daughter or her boyfriend or her rapist can go out to a pharmacy and get a bunch of, you know, hormone pills to give a little girl.’ We don’t really know the effect of a spiking or dropping a little girl’s — in many cases a young woman’s or a little girl’s hormonal levels. It’s outrageous!”