
Quackwatch Founder Launches Site to Debunk Health Care Reform Myths

allanhateme9/09/2009 1:52:25 pm PDT

Health care may be a right, but health insurance is not. There are lots of ways, mostly ignored, to reduce how much health insurance costs. And of course #1 being reducing the cost of health care. Most of the numbers batted around are bunk, 36-46million uninsured includes nearly 20million people who can afford it but choose not to buy it. The life expectancy numbers are utter B$. If you remove automobile accidents and murder from those numbers ours are better. Infant mortality, again B$. Most nations don’t count a baby born (breathing or not) <23 months gestation as being born alive. We do. The reality is we’re going to allow tyranny of the minority out of some misguided sense of morality. Our healthcare system is the best in the world. Could it be better? Hell yes! Will the government make it better? Hell no!