
Keith Olbermann's Latest: Hillary Was Wrong - All of Trump's Supporters Are "Deplorable"

Vicious Babushka9/15/2016 11:05:23 am PDT

re: #24 Anymouse

For Ziggy Tardis:

These are the actual rules for immigration or refuge in Canada, from the Canadian government:

Note disability is not a bar for entry into Canada (else my epilepsy would have kept me out this year and last year, when I had to declare my medications at the border because they are controlled substances, and why I used them).

I don’t wish to step on your toes, but you are worrying too much. If you bought a ticket to Toronto or Regina today, or jumped in your car and drove to the border, no one would give a hoot about autism spectrum disorders. All they would care about (if you drove) if you had a license and a Canadian auto insurance card (which you can obtain from your US insurance company).

Oh and don’t have any guns in your car. They frown on gun having.