
The FBI and 5 Other Agencies Are Investigating Russia’s Efforts to Help Donald Trump Gain Power

Targetpractice1/18/2017 12:12:08 pm PST

The big thing for me about this story is the lack of attention it’s getting in the press. From the moment an investigation was announced into Hillary’s emails, the press went fucking wild and the assumption was that there was “something” there if the DOJ was launching an investigation. Hell, the media gave her shit for calling it a security review, insisting on calling it a criminal investigation in order to maintain the perception that she had committed a crime and the DOJ was deciding whether or not to prosecute her for it. Even when Comey gave his long editorial about how horrible she was but she hadn’t committed a crime, the press acted as if she’d just gotten away with murder.

But now you have multiple agencies including the FBI looking into allegations alone and…nothing. The media’s slow-walking it as if they know that the kibosh will be put on it any day now and people will have forgotten about it in six months.