
The Marc Morano Fudge Factor: Links to Steve Goddard Nonsense

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce12/09/2012 11:29:52 am PST

If, at this point, we’re still trying to convince the Powers the Be that climate change is a Real Problem, then we’re way, way, way out from agreeing on workable mitigation. I say “mitigation” because I think we’re past the point of “solution” and certainly past the point of “prevention”.

I actually think that this is our extinction event. This is what takes us out. Not tomorrow, not next year, maybe not even within a couple hundred years. But I’m confident this is it.

Of course, I’m a pessimist. I’m actually a bit sad that [I suspect] the human race won’t survive long enough to be wiped out by our machines and AI, “Terminator”-style.