
Michelle Wolf Explains How to Properly Crush the Souls of Trump's Cronies

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅7/02/2018 10:19:00 am PDT

re: #266 Dr Lizardo

What had me laughing earlier today was that Trump’s proposal to basically rip up the WTO is called “The Fair And Reciprocal Trade Act”.

Yep……The US FART Act.

That’s either the most unfortunate acronym ever chosen or someone, somewhere, is doing some truly epic trolling. I was on the tram this morning when I read about it, and I was doing my best not to explode in laughter; I must’ve looked like one of those hapless Roman centurions in the Biggus Dickus scene in Life of Brian.

There is ZERO chance that a government employee created anything that could be turned into an acronym without knowing what that acronym would be.