
And Now, Your Daily Dose of Nightmare Fuel: "CURVE"

Jay C6/26/2017 9:11:03 am PDT

re: #250 HappyWarrior

Must be nice when you can bitch about baking a cake gets you all the way to SCOTUS.

Well, the cake itself may be trivial: but just remember: Plessey v. Ferguson was about buying a train ticket: and see how that decision affected things.

Not get too melodramatic, but this is potentially a huge victory for the forces of Hate: and if the SCOTUS rules for the plaintiff, I think it will have the practical effect of knocking the legal props out from under a huge number of anti-discrimination laws, by providing a “religious” exception for - AFAICT - almost any sort of discrimination: not just gay weddings. There is never going to be any shortage of bigots, and simply allowing overt bigotry to rule public commercial transactions simply on the excuse of “my religion says so” is, IMO, a gross step backwards for actual “liberty”.