
Sarah Palin Refudiates Self

Dr. Shalit7/14/2010 5:18:18 pm PDT

re: #14 Charles

It’s a hilarious yet poignant mix of “refute” and “repudiate.”

Charles -

Good take on the New Word - Really Sums it Up as to Definition - NOW - Was the Former Governor Wrong, except grammatically? I think NOT. Might adopt the word myself.
Does the ‘Tea Party’ have its share of racists? Sure, as the Nation has, nothing more, nothing less. Have been to a couple of Tea Party functions here in NJ.
Is there “Hatred” - sure there is - Hatred of paying taxes and seeing little if NO value for the money. I “Feel” them. When I was an early teenager, NJ had NO Sales Tax, No Income Tax, NO Lottery - AND - somehow, we got by,
prosperously at that. Today, even under Gov. Christie, we accept all of the afore stated and are still in a budget squeeze. I am sure you have seen more or less the same thing in California as you grew up.
“…Just One Thing I Want To Know…Why’s That? - With Apologies to CS&N.
Any theories?
