
Samantha Bee Backs the Bus Over Paul Ryan: "Portrait in Courage"

Timothy Watson2/17/2017 7:17:31 am PST


After defending Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee and calling for the ouster of an African-American official who had posted offensive tweets about women and white people, Republican gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart sat and listened Thursday as his newfound allies explained their belief that America should welcome immigrants from Western countries but keep out people from the Middle East.

Stewart’s host for the event in downtown Charlottesville was Unity & Security for America, a newly formed right-wing group that describes its mission as “defending Western Civilization including its history, culture and peoples while utterly dismantling Cultural Marxism.”

Next to that credo on the group’s website is an image of a frog and the phrase “Kek is with us,” a reference to a frog-headed Egyptian deity of chaos and darkness that’s become a satirical godhead for devotees of the alt-right, the loosely defined far-right movement linked to white nationalism and the idea that white identity is under attack by liberals and multiculturalism.