
CPAC's Attempt at Covering Up a Minor Server Glitch Backfires

CuriousLurker2/25/2015 5:44:47 pm PST

re: #292 ObserverArt

CL…I am little surprised you are calling art “really, really icky-scary-awful stuff.”

Do you mean the content, or are you just generally against it being done because it is offensive?

Art is about everything…and in this case the time in history, the advancement of the arts and the societal and religious statements figure into why it was created.

The story of Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosch is a great example of why it is often mentioned in art history as a major piece.

Sometimes ‘ugly’ art can be the most beautiful.

I’m not against it being done, I just found the content really awful. I can’t imagine spending weeks or months (or however long it took those guys) to paint something so… depressingly unpleasant.