
The Atlantic Hires National Review Writer Who Called for Women Who Have Abortions to Be Hanged

Targetpractice3/23/2018 3:24:35 pm PDT

re: #291 Anymouse 🌹

And that will become a component of conservative religious faith: Obama legalised bump stocks.

As I recall at the time, the ATF weighed in and stated it did not have the statutory authority to deal with them as they are not actually a component of a gun.

At best, you could say President Obama didn’t ban them. He certainly didn’t approve them.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if the GOA and NRA went after Trump for this to get him to reverse it.

It goes without saying that had Obama weighed in and ordered bump stocks banned, the very people accusing him (falsely) of legalizing them would have lost their tiny little minds.