
Obama Prepares to Close Gitmo

Kragar1/21/2009 10:33:14 am PST

re: #262 ploome hineni

Israel needs to be pushed into a corner

let’s see who the friends really are

if G-d wants us…..HINENI

otherwise G-d is on our side…….LOOK TO ISRAEL AND SEE

/and fkNobama

Dont forget though, Israel did get their boats from France

On January 4, 1969, a week after de Gaulle made news with his announcement of the complete embargo on weapons bound for Israel, small crews made their way onto the boats. The Israeli crews spent three hours getting them ready. When all was set, they “raised the Israeli flag and set off. No one challenged them. They simply sailed into the English Channel and never returned.”

The French Minister of Defense demanded to know what had become of the ships. Mordecai Limon responded: “They were given orders to sail to Haifa. They belong to us.” Prime Minister de Gaulle was furious. So were others in the French Cabinet. But they got little help from the locals in the French coastal town of Cherbourg. “In Cherbourg, naval authorities and customs men simply shrugged their shoulders. By an extraordinary coincidence, no one seemed to have read a newspaper, watched television or listened to a radio during the preceding days. Said one of the local people: ‘We did not know anything of the embargo.’” Israel was lucky to have made some firm friends among the local population.

Officials in Cherbourg “claimed that they first heard of the embargo in a letter of instructions received from Paris on (January) 6th - 2 days after the boats had left. They produced documents and a statement from the post office supporting their claims.” They said something must have been wrong with the postal service.