
What It Must Be Like To Be Rachel Jeantel

Major Tom6/28/2013 5:51:19 am PDT

I disagree, theye1, I have been listening to the whole trial, and I found her sincere and consistent. She did lie about a couple details that have nothing to do with what occurred that night, and as she is a teenager I’m not shocked.
She has been entirely consistent about how her phone call with Trayvon went down. The defense tried to get her to exaggerate and assume other details that she was not privy to, but she did not budge. Her testimony was that Zimmerman followed Trayvon, and that he approached him when Trayvon had no idea who he was or what he wanted, and Trayvon did not approach his car, circle around it, or half of what Zimmerman has alleged. Coupled with the other testimony heard yesterday and before, it damages Zimmerman’s story.
I await the testimony of ‘John Good(e?),’ the neighbor that went outside.
Also, if Zimmerman doesn’t take the stand he’s a coward. He should at least defend himself and justify, in his own words to the jury, why he killed an unarmed 17 yr old who was on his way home to watch an all-star game with his 12 yr old soon-to-be half-brother.