
Israeli Hackers Strike Back at Anonymous OpIsrael, Expose Participants With Their Own Webcams (PHOTOS)

Vicious Babushka4/11/2014 8:30:45 am PDT

re: #2 EiMitch

LOL at anonymous! All their bravado about being tech-savvy just got thrown back in their (now exposed) faces.

I’d be more disgusted at that guy if he wasn’t such a hilarious icon of his “cause.” He thinks talking big somehow makes him big. But it just shows and small and insecure he is. I would know.

>**moment of awkward silence**

Buddhax and co. just exposed these guys as noobs who couldn’t even protect their own webcams. And Punko thinks writing a new, apocalyptic virus is the answer. Su~ure. They can just wave that magic-wand at the keyboard like folks do in the movies. That’ll make it happen.

If Punko is reading this: Anonymous started this “cyberwar.” Anon was playing with fire. Anyone who hacks has no business complaining about being hacked-back. Its an occupational hazard.

Punko has this fantasy of a malicious virus hack that would only affect Israeli computers (it has a built in Juice Detector?) but not something that would get out into the wild and destroy Teh Hole Internetz.