
Number of billionaires doubles since financial crisis, inequality out of control

subterraneanhomesickalien11/01/2014 8:06:11 pm PDT

When the modern capitalist system being a truly global apparatus, and the power of the individual nation state to curb financial inequality at all time low, who the hell exactly is going to take the money out of the idle bank accounts of these billionaires?

I think it would take a Marxist revolution in Switzerland before that sort of the thing will ever happen.

Most of the powerful political figures in the world, both the west and the east are from this class, which manifests itself in flaccid regulatory and tax regimes rigged in this classes favor through out the planet.

I don’t want to pessimistic, but it probably take something like a world wide leftward turn in political zeitgeist to derail this financial oligarchy, which seems bent on making the lives of the lower classes(because there really is no middle class any more, and the only one that qualifies are the highly educated professionals like doctors, lawyers, and engineers) as difficult as possible.