
Don't Link To CounterPunch

ThomasLite7/22/2015 6:39:54 pm PDT

Strange. I know Franklin Lamb is rather active in anti-Isral/anti-zionist (and limiting it to that is rather charitable) publications, but I have never seen any indication to tie him in to the political right.
If anything he seems very cozy with the anti-Isral (again, being charitable here) elements on the left (although to be fair he’s pretty much a single-issue guy from what I’ve seen, and mostly falls under the general ‘nutcase’ header).

That’s 170 articles out of 429 article disparity that vanish even if we don’t tie him in with the left instead (which, really, we shouldn’t anyway).

So in the end it’s only a very productive Paul Craig Roberts making up most of the disparity.
Incidentally, P.C. Roberts happens to be a sort-of-truther, kinda-anti-WoT type who seems to fit in more with the dudebro crowd than being the straight-up white supremacist the article makes him sound like.

Sorry, but this looks like one author who categorizes the political right as ‘that which I don’t like’ (albeit sometimes for good reasons) and draws this entire conclusion from one incorrect categorization and one statistical fluke.

Now if you want to criticize counterpunch for giving way too much of a voice to what might often easily be termed straight-up anti-semitism, sure, go for it. Absolutely true.
It’s just that it’s more in the dudebro/conspiracist sense that seems to appeal to a rather broader base and doesn’t really fit the usual left/right dichotomy.
Populist/conspiracist/contrarian, yeah. A voice of the political right, nah.

And really, the ‘querfront’ attempt to argue that all bigotry in more economically left-leaning groups is some insidious right-wing infiltration attempt is weak. There’s plenty of bigotry to go around and it doesn’t all land comfortably far away from home.