
More Anti-Sharia initiatives Planned, OK AG to Fight Court Decision

theheat12/14/2010 11:44:38 am PST

I’m way past needing to go to sleep, been working like two days straight, and all I can muster is fuck Oklahoma sideways, and every bible-thumping goddamned piece of shit that is stupid enough to believe Sharia law is poised to take their freedom, while the paranoid, whiny, deceitful, full of monkey shit Christians in their state cram this and every other dumbass piece of knuckle dragging fundie horseshit legislation down their idiot Okie throats.

Fuck ‘em. Fuck ‘em for being so shit fucking stupid. And piss on them, too, now that I think about it. So, I’m pretty much at fuck ‘em and piss on ‘em.