
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Reaction to Ames Debate (On FOX)

Ralphie8/12/2011 10:40:24 pm PDT

Wasserman-Schultz was disappointing in her handling of the interview. Megan Kelly brought up the “51% pay no taxes” Fox talking point and Debbie ignored it 3 times. She could easily have replied that they pay no income tax because of lower wages or no wages brought about by the economic disaster of the past 10 years, while also reminding Megan that these low income people still are taxed for SS and Medicaid and must also pay sales tax.

Debbie may be pretty but she exemplifies the lack of fire in much of the Democratic leadership. If she can’t field the BS questions she should stay off Fox.

Hope she enjoyed her fried Snickers Bar.