
Oil Shale Initiative in Valley Where David Slew Goliath Could Turn Israel into an Oil Giant

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/07/2011 8:23:38 pm PST

This is classic, and the same ruse used by PR men all over the world in regards to kerogen ladened shale or low quality hydrocarbon sedimentary rock of any kind.

First, they intentionally confuse their audience by using the term “shale oil”, a term used for many different kinds of deposits.

What Israel has, along with Jordan, is a stretch of sedimentary rock that has organic material (it used to be a shallow sea) but which has not fully broken down (usually due to uplift of the sediment and thus cooling the deposit) into usable hydrocarbons, or in which the hydrocarbons which did form (from the original organic matter) have not moved into a “reservoir” rock. These sort of deposits are not uncommon, and indeed the US has plenty out on the Colorado/Utah border, and the Baltic states have a large deposit too.

The Baltic states, and now Jordan, use this material as a very low grade type of coal, just burning it.

Many years ago companies here in the US tried to figure out a way to create liquids out of the stuff economically, and have been trying for 60 years without success. The proposed solution - “heat the shale over a long period of time “, is a variation of what has been tried in the US, and so far has failed to provide an economic return. Israel’s Shfela Basin may be a better candidate than the US Green River deposits for some sort of future prospect, but it is still fundamentally wrong to claim Israel has “250 billion barrels of oil.”

Beware of con-men in the oil business - they’ve been at it since the beginning.