
NEWYORKUSTAN: American Muslim Series

Bob Levin11/18/2011 11:51:53 am PST

re: #2 CuriousLurker

It is equally undeniable that there is also extremism on the far-right in the form of activists & politicians who—for political gain—are trying to drum up fear & mistrust of all American Muslims, and would like to see our First Amendment privileges stripped away.

However, in America, this group always loses. They’ve always been there, and they’ve lost every time. They get a few years when they get to make noise, but it isn’t long before they have to go back underneath the rocks.

For me, the world has gotten so chaotic that it’s impossible to make any kind of cogent analysis, it’s impossible to clear away the smoke and break the mirrors. I don’t even know what to post anymore. These are the circumstances when the extreme groups get to make noise. Even the protests, the Occupy movements, don’t have any clear goals. Something is wrong, they rightly say, but we don’t know what or how to fix it. No one knows.

Actually, I think I have an idea. But I have no idea how to get the dialogue going. Right now, it’s a monologue. And monologues will not help. The world doesn’t need one more person doing a monologue.