
Ron Paul Scrubs Endorsement from Controversial Death Penalty for Gays Pastor

TedStriker12/28/2011 7:01:48 pm PST

Get this…in the endorsement, Kayser says:

As a Biblical ethicist I am very concerned about overturning Roe v Wade (something that Ron has sought to do), but I am also extremely concerned about all the areas of lawlessness that have destroyed nations in the past. What candidates take these things seriously? I know of only one candidate who obeys God’s clear-cut prohibitions against interventionism in politics: “do not meddle with them” (Deut. 2:5), “do not harass them or meddle with them” (Deut. 2:19), but instead “buy food from them” (Deut. 2:6) – in other words, engage in free trade. Biblical issues like this should be as easy to understand as Ron Paul’s positions are easy to understand. He is by far the best candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America. Even though I strongly disagree with him on some issues, he is the only candidate that I can endorse.

Phillip Kayser, wannabe gay-killer and isolationist.