
You can take Gunter Grass out of the SS, but you can't take the SS out of Gunter

shutdown4/04/2012 12:52:26 pm PDT

I am going to take a quick stab at translating the last paragraph of a truly exceptional analysis and critique of the Grass piece by Frank Schirrmacher, which was published in today’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (link to article is here, for German speakers).

Es ist ein Machwerk des Ressentiments, es ist, wie Nietzsche ber das Ressentiment sagte, ein Dokument der „imaginren Rache“ einer sich moralisch lebenslang gekrnkt fhlenden Generation. Gern htte er, dass jetzt die Debatte entsteht, ob man als Deutscher Israel denn kritisieren drfe. Die Debatte aber msste darum gefhrt werden, ob es gerechtfertigt ist, die ganze Welt zum Opfer Israels zu machen, nur damit ein fnfundachtzigjhriger Mann seinen Frieden mit der eigenen Biographie machen kann.

“It is a construct of resentment, it is, as Nietzsche said of resentment, a document of ‘imaginary revenge’ of a generation that has felt morally slighted for a lifetime. He would like there now to come into being a debate, as to whether a German may criticize Israel. However, the debate should be about whether it is justifiable to depict the entire world as Israel’s victim, just so that an eighty-five year old man can make peace with his own biography.”