
2012 Presidential Debate III: Obama must tell his policy

EiMitch10/22/2012 10:52:54 am PDT

This is friggin’ ridiculous right-wing propaganda. How does this list of talking points FAIL? Let me count the ways.

First, when Mitt Romney tried to blame the attack on Obama, his popularity in the polls dropped real fast. Why would anything think it would be a good idea to recycle this talking point now? The worst part is that the writer of the linked article must’ve thought of that. Yet he went ahead anyways.

This is before getting to the mess that was the terrorist attacks on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. Mr. Obama benfitted initially from a media more interested in Mr. Romney’s criticizing the Obama actions than in those actions themselves.

Repeat FAIL!

Second, if the PotUS had the power to prevent random/seemingly-random acts of hostility, war would be almost non-existent. Unless, of course, one is trying to court 9-11 truthers. Good luck trying to win with that kind of support. Logic FAIL!

Third, if he really wanted to attack Obama’s foreign policy record, he would’ve focused on Afghanistan, not Libya. Instead, Afghanistan is barely mentioned in the same sentence as Iraq, and then promptly forgotten. Priority FAIL!

In this writer’s frenzy to score shots on Obama, he hacked a few whoppers onto the page.

Until last week, Mr. Obama rpeated the tired cliche that bin Laden was dead and al Qaeda is on the run. We now know that al Qaeda is stronger than they were when Mr. Obama took office, and getting stronger.

No, they’re not! He’s got them confused with the Taliban. And even they’ve been knocked down a few pegs recently by the Pakistani government. Homework FAIL!

The president inherited a stable Iraq and an Afghanistan that had made strides. Things have gotten much worse on his watch, with deaths of United States soldiers skyrocketing since Mr. Obama took office.

Ah, yes. The lip service to the country where he would’ve been right to criticize the Obama administration. Even so, its fair to put much of the blame on Gee Dubya Bee. Afghanistan is unstable because the Taliban regrouped and grew stronger in Pakistan, and Bush didn’t care enough to even try to do anything about it. That, and Afghanistan didn’t get the country rebuilding aid that was promised. That all went to Iraq, while the Afghans were forced to grow poppies for the bad guys just to make ends meet.

Having said all that, the surge in Afghanistan failed by all accounts. And Obama deserves at least that much blame. Again, funny how someone trying to sling mud at Obama would FAIL to specifically mention the surge. I know I already counted this FAIL, but IMO its a big enough FAIL to count twice.

Oh, and despite some problems, Iraq is still about as stable as the rest of the region. Innuendo FAIL!

Any critic of Mr. Obama is attacked as being “biased” or “partisan.” Yet even some non-partisan journalists are slowly starting to ask some hard questions.

Why was a movie blamed when the administration knew the movie had nothing to do with the attacks?

Why were the attacks described as spontaneous when the administration knew they were well coordinated to fall on the 9/11 anniversary?

Who are the terrorists? Do they claim to be acting in the name of any religion? Are they Radical Islamists, and if so why is this being ignored? Is political correctness putting our lives at risk?

If he doesn’t know who the attackers are, how does he know those other things? Does he even care whether contradicts his own talking points? Continuity FAIL!

I’d probably find more FAIL to laugh at if I kept analyzing this hack article. But I prefer to preserve whats left of my sanity.