
Obscene History: The Fact-Free Political Alarmism of Naomi Wolf

cinesimon1/10/2013 3:54:03 pm PST

The response to yet another of her silly pieces shows yet again the stark difference between the right and left constituencies.
Naomi Wolf’s market is rather small, if extremely loyal. Her heart may be in the right place ideologically, her motivations may even be relatively pure, and indeed, as radar says above, n a general sense she’s probably correct much of the time. But that only damages the causes for which she is in favor of - ir it would, if she was taken seriously any more.
As has been said over and over again the last few years, her arguments are devoid of facts, or she is extremely selective of convenient facts to make a point, she joins dots in very bizarre ways - and on and on - I won’t repeat what has been compiled and said better elsewhere.
And for her righteous dishonesty, she is not rewarded with praise, nor given a regular position on a cable show. She’s not seen as a ‘thought leader’, or a champion of any libertarian-liberal or any other movement - though she clearly wants to be. No, she is seen pretty much for who she is - a charlatan who wants the respect of the public - and she fails miserably in her quest.
Yet if she was coming from the right, she would be praised - as we see from a list so massive and so well known, I don’t need to bother listing names. We all know who they are, and there are probably many more newly wealthy ‘expose’ peddlers we’ve never heard of - who’ve made millions ‘writing’ books telling The People what they want to hear.

This kind of dishonest but politically, ideologically ‘correct’ writing and noise-making is really only respected and lucrative on the right. One of the numerous aspects I love about the politics I associate with. Respecting that reality is reality, funnily enough - and the only way to win an ideological and/or policy debate with any legitimacy, and go forward as a society, is with honest debate and studying actual reality - not a warped one twisted by ideology. As the right is seeing, even if the electorate is as uninformed as it is, they are still beginning to pay for their bizarre, overtly dishonest nonsense. When they begin to treat Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh with the same level that we treat Naomi Wolf, then the country will be headed in a great direction. Until then, not the president(or “Mr Obama” as per the Washington Post, ffs), not Mao, Stalin or Hitler(our apparent heroes!?) - will be able to steer the nation in a positive direction.